
Learning English


Re “A Break for Some, a Pain for Others,” Feb. 5:

The class from 52nd Street School, pictured in the article, was part of the Emergency Immigrant Education Assistance Program (EIEAP), a federally funded program which offers immigrant students new to the United States special classes during their intersession vacations. During this past winter break, over 3,500 elementary and secondary students participated in EIEAP.

The program is offered to 80,000 eligible students, grades 1-12, in public and non-public schools who want extra English instruction and practice in their new language.

The thrust of the program is to give newcomer students experiences visiting places of interest in Los Angeles in order to develop English language skills while at the same time building an appreciation of the cultural and environmental diversity of their new city.



EIEAP Coordinator

Los Angeles Unified School District
