
‘Darling’ of the Breakfast Club


Jack Cheevers and I must not have attended the same meeting Feb. 25. While we both were at the Sportsmen’s Lodge in Studio City, I was in a room filled with a diverse group of men and women attending a community breakfast at the invitation of Assemblyman Richard Katz.

Cheevers chose to slant his story (“Strong Running Mate,” Times Valley Edition, Feb. 26) to make it appear that the event was a spotlight for the “darling of the women’s movement.”

My impression of Mrs. Clinton, who I had not previously heard speak and whose husband I have not yet decided to support, was that she was the “darling” of everyone at that meeting concerned with the economic, social and political issues facing our country on the eve of a crucial presidential election. Hilary Clinton challenged the press to fulfill its historical role of accurately reporting and analyzing the important issues of the day.


A corollary would be for the press to accurately report an event that it witnesses.

JAY J. PLOTKIN, North Hollywood
