
The Sound and the Fury Over KUSC : . . . COUNTERPOINT


“M ore Talk, Less Bach,” last Sunday’s story on KUSC-FM by Patrick Mott, has prompted an outpouring from readers . Those critical of the station’s revamped format outnumbered supporters by more than 2 to 1. A sampling of their views: As someone who believes himself to be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the traditions of “classical” music--I still want to draw and quarter the heathen SOBs who savaged KFAC--I absolutely love Bonnie Grice.

With all due respect to the traditional, ponderous style of Carl Princi and company in the old days, and to the sedate restraint of Gene Parrish and his colleagues at the “old” KUSC, I will take Grice’s friendly, energetic and never-boring conversation in the morning any day.

She is also obviously knowledgeable: I have learned a thing or two while listening and have been exposed to obscure composers--many of them non-male, non-mainstream, non-Caucasian--whom I might have never experienced otherwise.


Her love and zeal always show through, and she shares it infectiously. My little daughter often listens with me in the car on the way to preschool, and we both get loads of enjoyment. What else can you ask for in a purveyor of an endangered art form?


Los Angeles
