
Playing the Numbers


Zala’s statistics regarding sexual abuse and assault in this country are undeniable, as is her indictment of the TV and film industries for perpetuating the stereotype of women as victims.

However, I must take issue with her citing “Silence of the Lambs” as an example of this widespread misogyny. While it did tell the story of a serial killer who targeted young women, it did not show us women who resigned themselves to the roles of victim or passive observer. The two main female characters were both determined to take matters into their own hands whenever possible, and not just wait for some Prince Valiant to ride in and save the day.

Most of the time, we as the audience are fed pernicious images of women, ranging from victims of incredible violence to being no more than a narrative afterthought (the “love interest” of the male hero). I think, though, that there are films and TV shows much more deserving of our scrutiny and criticism.



North Hollywood
