
PLATFORM : No Guarantee

<i> EVA ESORLEM, a photographer and fashion retailer who lives in Los Angeles, commented on Dow Corning's financial aid program that would help pay for breast-implant removals. She told The Times:</i>

I am one of the estimated 2 million women in the United States who have been the recipients of silicone gel breast implants. I recently elected to have this surgery, despite the present silicone controversy. Currently, I am happy with the results and have not experienced any complications.

Unfortunately this happiness comes with no guarantee. In the event that I should develop complications, who would I blame? My physician, the manufacturer, the Food and Drug Administration or myself?

Anyone electing to undergo unnecessary cosmetic surgery must be realistic and recognize the potential risks involved with surgery that introduces foreign matter into their body.


As far as Dow Corning’s proposal, which offers $1,200 assistance to implant recipients with complications, I believe it’s amicable, because Dow Corning did nothing more than manufacture an FDA-approved product.
