
PLATFORM : Caring About Lives


If Operation Rescue gets its way, if abortion is outlawed, women who don’t have the time or money to leave the country would have to turn to people who are not medical professionals to get an abortion--and that would be dangerous.

The protesters say they care about life, but it seems that Operation Rescue is willing to allow some people to die from the mishandled abortions that will occur if the right to a choice is taken away.

These protesters also don’t seem to care about unwanted and abused children. If the protesters care about life, why don’t they develop a fund or foundation for all the unwanted children in orphanages?


They say they care about life, but what about the lives of kids who become threats to society because they don’t have caring parents? Do they really want to bring more unwanted children into this world? Do they care about the young gang members who are killing each other because they have been abused or neglected by the parents?
