
The Right Reason for End of Innocence?


It never ceases to amaze me how often victims are blamed first for their victimization and then their responses. I’m referring to the “First Person” article April 22 by Julie Rose entitled “When Cries of Protest Shatter the Innocence of a Trusting Child.”

Rose complains that her child’s trust was destroyed by being exposed to women protesting against rape, battering and pornography.

In fact, her child’s naivete was torn from her by the men who committed the violence to which these women were responding. Rose should count her and her daughter lucky that her child’s innocence was “shattered” simply by hearing of such horrors and not by experiencing them.


Rose may feel her child is too young to hear of those brutal acts, however, facts show that some sick men don’t feel her child is too young to be raped or photographed for male entertainment.


San Clemente
