
Cleaning Up Riot Aftermath


What I find almost as nauseating as the mindless rioting in Los Angeles is the rush by the media and others to mitigate this type of behavior by describing it as a “reaction” to the trial verdict in the King matter. Regardless of media and special interest efforts, the public at large will not be as forgiving in its view of these events. Murders, beatings, arsons and lootings are not “reactions” to anything. They are simply the activities of a bunch of thugs and sociopaths who are poised to seize any circumstance which provides them with the opportunity to behave like the criminals they are.

No responsible civic leader or member of the public in the affected areas can escape the realization that with every bullet fired, every brick thrown and every match lit, the average citizen becomes more desensitized and distant from whatever legitimate grievances may existed in the first place.


Chino Hills
