
Subsidy to Retain TRW in Orange Sparks Other Views

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“TRW Deal Seen as Job-Saving Model for State” (May 14): Your article outlines rent subsidies given to a large corporation to entice it to keep some 1,200 jobs in Orange, yet very little mention is made of one of the biggest reasons businesses large and small give for leaving Orange County, and indeed, for leaving California--the lack of housing their employees can afford.

Aside from the city’s program of low-interest loans to first-time home buyers, there is very little chance for housing affordable to our job force.

Between our highest-in-the-country housing prices and our lowest-in-the-country rate of subsidized housing, the flight from our job centers to the outlying counties, and eventually the flight of our jobs to other cities and then states is almost preordained.


Although the state is studying our competitiveness, little thought is given to this one underlying reason for flight--the lack of housing affordable to all residents.

This is especially noticeable when the governor asks for complete discontinuation of the renters’ tax credit.

Our priorities seem a bit amiss: Subsidize the corporation, give the home buyer some breaks, and sock it to the renter.


I applaud Orange for its foresight in keeping TRW in town; however, I doubt that there will be much trickle-down to those who can’t afford our town’s housing prices.


