
Selling the L.A. Airport

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In response to “Bush Officials Urge LAX Sale for Urban Aid,” May 15:

The advice to privatize Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), coming from the same economic advisers who have gave this country the ever-growing national debt, needs to be closely examined. Current city rules governing both the Airport Commission and the Port Commission need to be overhauled so these operations contribute funds to overall city operation, as in many other cities. However, selling LAX based on the advice of Bush’s economic advisers is silly.

The Reagan and Bush administrations have not sold the Tennessee Valley Authority, Conrail, Washington area airports, Amtrak, or other major federally owned facilities. Why should this city sell its airport? How would a privatized LAX raise funds? How would a private LAX compete against publicly owned John Wayne or Burbank airports in raising funds and issuing bonds?

As long as Washington can give out airport improvement grants based on “political” decisions, privatizing any airport is a questionable enterprise. Let the Bush Administration lead the way with the sale of federal assets. Right now this concept will cost local taxpayers money while giving private groups the right to burden city taxpayers with special assessments and debts.


