
Sierra Club Ads to Attack Bush on Environment

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<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

A week before the Earth Summit in Brazil, the Sierra Club announced a modest television campaign attacking President George Bush’s record on the environment.

The advertisements urge viewers to call the White House to protest what they say is Bush’s weak record in protecting wetlands and encouraging recycling.

At a news conference here, Sierra Club representatives charged that Bush failed to live up to his promise to be the “environmental President.” They charged that Bush was attending the environmental summit in Rio de Janeiro only after treaty language was weakened on global warming and protection for rain forests and endangered species.


“We want to educate the public about the broken promises of the ‘environmental’ President,” Darryl Young of the Sierra Club said.

The advertisements are airing this week in the relatively small television markets of Sacramento, Washington, Tallahassee, Fla., and Madison, Wis. Young said the smaller markets were selected partly because the Sierra Club believes activists in the areas would respond by calling the White House and by giving “seed money” for similar spots in larger markets.

Although the ads are airing in the week before the California primary, Young insisted that “this is not a political campaign.” He added that the effort is receiving no funding from Democratic sources.
