
PLATFORM : Communication


Here everything has graffiti and litter. But over there, everything was clean. There was no litter on the sidewalks. They take more pride in their city. The students have pride and they study more. Everything was so peaceful. I am sure the Japanese have their ups and downs--it’s so crowded. But they know how to get along.

I thought the Japanese would be really racist against me because I’m Korean. But they didn’t really care.

I learned how to get along with strangers. People can get along as long as there is communication. The thing that came out during the riots was that there wasn’t enough communication between the black and Korean communities. But I learned how to be more open-minded about other races. I had my own stereotypes. I am sure they had them about me. In a way, I found out that we’re all alike. If we communicate more, there wouldn’t be so much violence. I think the younger generation can fix the system. We just have to communicate.
