
Genetically Engineered Food


In response to “Stage Set for ‘Biotech’ Debut at Grocery Store,” May 26:

Why am I not surprised that the Bush Administration has announced, via that inspirer of confidence Dan Quayle, the introduction to our markets of genetically engineered fruits, vegetables and grains. There’s no need for us to be concerned, they say, because it has the sanction of the FDA--you remember them--the ones who just removed the silicone breast transplant from the market after the damage was done. And besides, the industry will be policing itself; the fox will be guarding the henhouse.

This has me really worked up. Now they’re messing with our basic food supply in order to put money into the pockets of big business. This certainly isn’t being done for the small farmer. In the past, at least we’ve had the choice of preparing fresh food from scratch. (Also, they don’t want to bother to label it.) We are what we eat, and messing with the genetic makeup of our food is frightening.


Los Alamitos
