
City Clerk Resigns, Ending Dispute : Politics: The residency of Kathleen Kaplan, who has a home in Riverside County, was called into question after her victory in the April election.


Recently reelected City Clerk Kathleen Kaplan resigned from office, ending a dispute over whether she lives outside the city, in violation of state law.

Kaplan, 42, the clerk for 11 years, notified the City Council by letter Tuesday that she will leave June 15 for a job in a private firm at pay comparable to her clerk’s salary of more than $50,000 yearly.

The council, which meets Tuesday, can appoint a replacement or hold a special election.

Kaplan’s residency was called into question shortly after her April 14 reelection when unsuccessful challenger Rose Griffith, 29, said in a letter to the council that Kaplan bought a home last year in Riverside County’s Moreno Valley and applied for a homeowner’s exemption. State law requires elected officials to live in the cities they represent.


Kaplan later explained that she is a renter within city limits and that her two daughters live in the Moreno Valley home.

The council declined to act on the issue, in part because Griffith also sought a criminal investigation by the district attorney’s office. But last week, Deputy District Attorney Tom Wenke said he reviewed the materials submitted and concluded that an investigation was not warranted because no crime was committed.

“There’s no evidence she ever did live outside the city limits,” he added. “Her purchase of a home doesn’t establish that she lived outside El Monte. A lot of people own second residences.”

Kaplan declined to talk to The Times last week.

Griffith, who received 38% of the vote to Kaplan’s 62%, could be considered for the vacant clerk’s post now, Mayor Pat Wallach said. The council in April filled the council vacancy when Wallach was elected mayor by appointing Maria Avila, the third vote-getter in a race for two open council seats.

Griffith said she feels the council should appoint her. But Griffith doubts she will get the job because she said she is a political outsider and lacks experience in overseeing city elections.

“I know I don’t have the qualifications to be the city clerk, but who does?” Griffith said. “Kaplan wasn’t qualified either when she was first appointed.”
