
FILLMORE : Builder Gets 1-Year Extension on Mall


The Fillmore City Council has reluctantly granted a developer a one-year extension on its plans to build a mini-mall along California 126, rejecting outright a request for a three-year delay.

The council voted 3 to 2 Tuesday night to grant the one-year extension to Southwest Management Co. of Agoura. Officials said the request for a three-year extension was excessive.

Southwest said an extension was necessary because the economic slump has made development difficult. If its request had been denied, Southwest would have been forced to pay $6,000 or more in fees to renew its development application, or abandon the project on California 126 near B Street.


The City Council approved the 17,000-square-foot shopping center in January, 1991, on the condition that building permits be obtained by February of this year. City planners said the council set the original deadline because of concerns about the developer’s ability or willingness to follow through on the project, which neighboring residents have opposed because of concerns about the potential for noise and loitering.

Under the council’s ruling, Southwest must obtain building permits by February, 1993, or the developer will have to renew its application.
