
Woman Officer Tells of Assault as a Gulf POW

<i> From Associated Press</i>

The Army said Wednesday that an Army officer was sexually assaulted after she was captured during the Persian Gulf War.

The incident involved Maj. Rhonda Cornum, who was captured after her helicopter was shot down over Iraq. The matter first came to light Monday during testimony before the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Military.

The panel is looking into the issue of women serving in combat-oriented military jobs.

Marilla Cushman, an Army spokeswoman, corroborated Cornum’s testimony about the incident, which was reported by USA Today.


The Army knew of the incident “but has not discussed it, out of respect for Maj. Cornum’s privacy,” Cushman said. “It was her decision whether she wanted to make the issue public knowledge.”

According to USA Today, Cornum told the panel she was “violated manually.” The major went on to say that being treated in such a manner should be considered “an occupational hazard of going to war,” the paper reported.
