
A Ruse in Calabasas


The Calabasas City Council is flexing its new muscles in the form of an anti-growth agenda, suspending and blocking building permit applications.

Calabasas has in its employ a geology professor, Dr. Slosson, who invokes the Weber Report, a study done in the late 1960s by a state geologist with the Division of Mines and Geology who mapped a portion of the Santa Monica Mountains, of which a small part is Calabasas Highlands.

Essentially, the Weber Report says that approximately 11,000 years ago a landslide may have occurred there.

The county, prior to cityhood, never thought the Weber Report important enough to use it to question building permits. Slosson is clearly out of touch with the mainstream geological community.


This report, thanks to Slosson and the City Council, is starting to have an adverse effect on property values, disrupting the lives of residents here. The Highlands have withstood all the major earthquakes, all the rain and adversity of the last six or seven decades without so much as a crack in any plaster.

We of the Calabasas Highlands feel that the Weber Report is only a ruse covering the real anti-growth agenda of the Calabasas City Council.

JOHN DARST, Calabasas
