
Arrogance Trap


I note that in the latest stories concerning coyote trappings near San Clemente, the courageous trapper refers to the fact that the coyotes exhibited “extremely aggressive” behavior while in the traps prior to being (put) to death.

Well, no kidding. The story conveniently omits the fact that they are using leg traps. You know, those jagged steel-jawed things that often cause the trapped animal to chew off its own leg to escape the agony and fear of entrapment.

I dare say that most people I know would react in an unusually aggressive manner if they were having their leg amputated with a dull blade without benefit of anesthetic and then approached by a creature five times their body weight whose obvious intent was to kill them. Our species-oriented arrogance is without bounds sometimes--and without compassion.


BOB HUNT, Santa Ana
