
PLATFORM : Degrading Label

<i> TERESA MERINO of Paramount has lived most of her 72 years in Southern California. She commented on the term "minority" and its use in describing the Latino population in California. She told The Times:</i>

The word minority, like some racist terms, can sometimes be misleading. For some, minority is a way to pigeon-hole an entire cultural group in a neat, definable term to be used when filling out job applications or government forms. For others, like me, the word is loaded with racial stereotypes and is an unjustified classification.

Considering that California was once a part of Mexico and this so-called minority will soon be the majority, the term seems laughable. Why minority has to be used to describe any group of people is degrading and useless.

For many Anglos, the prospect of becoming the minority in California means the downfall of their way of life. Many are leaving the community. Is it poetic justice that those who labeled us and other cultural groups must now live with their own term?

As soon as we all accept the fact that all people are the same in the eyes of God, the sooner we can move on and solve the problems that plague the entire human race.
