
Pop Review : Arc Angels Able, but Need a Boost


Fronted by one-time guitar prodigy Charlie Sexton and fellow guitarist Doyle Bramhall II and propelled by the late Stevie Ray Vaughan’s rhythm section of bassist Tommy Shannon and drummer Chris Layton, the Arc Angels mix knowing lyrics (many co-written with Tonio K.) with a thick, Brit-rock sound punctuated by some Austin grit and swing.

In its show at the Coach House here Sunday, the band proved to be a curious, although largely successful, cross between a Texas roadhouse band and ‘70s English blues-rockers Bad Company.

Both Sexton and Bramhall’s six-string sensibilities seemed filtered through Vaughan’s fingers, with that fiery influence running particularly strong on the blues tunes “Dimples” and “Looking Back.” Sexton clearly is a more accomplished singer and player than Bramhall, but the latter’s garage-rock enthusiasm made for some musical surprises.


There’s little point in comparing the Arc Angels with someone as masterful and rare as Vaughan, whose music could seem like a full-on faucet connected to a better world, except in one regard: Vaughan always gave his performances everything he had, and, while the Arc Angels played well, they don’t yet seem to be playing for keeps.

The Arc Angels play tonight at the Roxy and Thursday at the Ventura Theatre in Ventura.
