
SPECIAL EVENTS : ‘Radio Revue’ to Tune in to a Bygone Era

<i> Frank Messina is a free-lance writer who contributes regularly to The Times Orange County Edition. </i>

As America grows older, it gets harder to remember that there in fact was life before television.

Like a distant signal growing fainter, the memories of the days when radio was king have all but disappeared from today’s MTV/sight-bite/video game world.

But for three nights starting Thursday, the KPMC Old Time Radio Revue will take over the San Clemente Community Center, and radio days will live again as live big-band music from the ‘30s and ‘40s is served up alongside commercials and programs from the glamorous days when Jack Benny, Edward R. Murrow and the Bickersons shone as brightly as any silver-screen star.


“Those were dramatic and traumatic days, and people are showing interest in them again,” says Bruce Warner, pastor of the Palisades United Methodist Church (the “PMC” in KPMC).

“I think people are interested in enjoying the music and entertainment from a time that hasn’t been available to them for quite awhile.”

The San Clemente church puts on a musical production every summer to raise money for its charitable programs.

For Warner, the idea for reviving radio show was demonstrated during a recent Sunday school class.

“I was talking to the kids about the days of radio, and I realized that none of them knew who the Lone Ranger was,” he said.

What: The KPMC Old Time Radio Revue.

When: Thursday, July 16, at 8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, July 17, and 18 at 7:30 p.m.

Where: The San Clemente Community Center, Del Mar Avenue and Seville Street, San Clemente.

Whereabouts: Take Interstate 5 south to the Avenida Palizada exit, go right, turn left onto El Camino Real and right onto Del Mar.


Wherewithal: $5-$10.

Where to Call: (714) 951-2140, (714) 496-5502.
