
O.C. PLATFORM : No More Free Rides


Traditionally, school systems have provided extra services, such as transportation. People have come to think of these as part of the school experience.

Before Proposition 13, most communities taxed themselves to provide school buses. After the 1970s, however, when control of school finances were handed to Sacramento, local schools were left with almost no ability to raise money for extra services. Nonetheless, community demand kept the school buses running by diverting money from the teachers and classrooms. Now, with state finances in crisis, the drain on classroom support can no longer be ignored.

School districts in many Orange County communities are advising parents that next year’s school bus ride will cost a dollar a day, or more. In most districts the fee won’t cover the full cost. In many places bus service will be reduced as well. We regret that. But what we seek is the preservation of quality education for all students.
