
Painful Loss of Freedom


While vacationing in Baja California, my husband and I were able to tune in an L.A. radio station to find the Supreme Court had indeed upheld the Pennsylvania law severely limiting women’s reproductive rights and was only one vote shy of overturning Roe vs. Wade.

When we later rolled across the border, I resented the fact that I was returning to my country with less freedom than I left with the previous week. As I caught up on the news reported during my absence, I found your June 30 article (“Abortion Decision Divides Rival Camps”) to be a painful reminder of the fact that people like Congressman Gallegly, Pastor Ken Craft, Chris Maguire and Gary Schuberg are gloating with celebration over America’s most recent step backward. I didn’t lose my luggage during this year’s vacation. I lost something much more precious. I lost my freedom--my status as a first-class citizen of the United States of America.

