
Newspaper Urges Bush to Step Down

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From Reuters

An editorial published in today’s editions of the Orange County Register, which circulates in one of the nation’s Republican strongholds, urges President Bush to abandon his reelection bid.

The editorial, entitled, “Stand Down, Mr. President,” says that Bush has “failed every bit as much as that last notable failure, (former Democratic President) Jimmy Carter” and it calls on him to allow the Republican convention to choose a new nominee.

It accuses Bush of “aimlessness” and slams him for breaking his pledge not to raise taxes.

“George Herbert Bush can render his presidency most successful only by giving it up, voluntarily, before the party’s convention opens in Houston a fortnight from now,” the editorial said.


Asked Saturday about the newspaper’s position, White House spokeswoman Judy Smith said she had not seen the editorial and could not comment on it specifically.

“The fact of the matter is the President is running for reelection. We plan to take our case to the American people. We think he has a good economic program that will appeal to voters. We feel confident he will get reelected,” Smith said.

A strong showing in Orange County traditionally has been crucial to the success of GOP presidential candidates in California, which has 54 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win. In 1988, when Bush carried California by about 352,000 votes, his margin in Orange County was 317,000.
