
‘Turn the Hearts’ and the Abortion Debate

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As part of a statewide effort to stop abortion, thousands of Christians representing nearly 1,000 churches held prayer vigils outside 100 abortion centers statewide, during the week of July 18-25. This project was called “Turn the Hearts of California” and was sponsored by the California Coalition for Life.

Contrary to what Deborah Blair Porter stated in her letter (Thursday, July 23), prayer does indeed decrease the number of abortions statewide.

A woman was brought into our office on July 24 after one of our participants counseled her out of an abortion. She was scared, all alone, and didn’t know where to turn for help. Her married boyfriend had left her upon news of her pregnancy, and had demanded that she get an abortion. She had no place to stay. The “family planning” clinic told her that abortion was the best solution. We found her housing in Long Beach, gave her information about fetal development and will provide her with medical care. She is relieved, grateful and happy that her baby will be born in seven months.


Today, 102 hearts are still beating because Christians were willing to pray outside abortion centers last week.

The results of “Turn the Hearts” are as follows: 102 women decided to carry their babies to term rather than abort them. Another 200 women “turned away” at the doors, forgoing their appointments for abortions. (According to Planned Parenthood’s own statistics, 20% of women who “turn away” never return for an abortion), and one South Bay OB/GYN has quit performing abortions altogether.

While our initial goal was to “turn the hearts” of the parents to their unborn children, (and save as many babies as possible), we were also hoping to encourage new pastors and churches to join us at the abortion centers and share compassion with moms and babies. The project succeeded on both counts.


Women who stream into abortion clinics daily do not want to be there. They are scared and frightened. Often they are unsure or pressured into their decision. Most women have an abortion because they can’t afford medical care, housing, clothing, food or they are simply afraid to tell their parents or boyfriend about their pregnancy.

The California Coalition for Life is meeting all of these needs and more for the 102 women who decided to carry their baby to term.

The event was supposed to end on a peaceful, victorious note outside the Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday, July 25. We had planned to pray on the steps, and march silently to the sidewalk outside a local abortion clinic, to pray again--in full cooperation with local police. However, members of NOW, ACT-UP, CHOICE OR DEATH, and other “pro-choice” groups disrupted the event. At the City Hall, they beat on drums, charged the steps to where the pastors stood and shouted blasphemies.


I believe the American public is finding it more and more difficult to swallow (that) pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian behavior is “mainstream middle America.”

Despite this increasingly typical behavior at “pro-choice” counterdemonstrations, South Bay Christians are still committed to stopping abortion holocaust one woman at a time, one baby at a time. We will continue to offer women alternatives to abortion, through our vast network of pro-life doctors, churches and organizations. Abortion hurts women. And for unborn children, our presence can make the difference between life and death.



California Coalition for Life

Redondo Beach
