
Flap Over ‘Bimbo’ Press Release


Generally, your election coverage is quite balanced and in depth. However, I was outraged at the manner in which The Times--and most news outlets--reports on the highly offensive “bimbo eruption” press release from the Bush campaign (Aug. 3-5).

This incident underlines the insidious depths that the Republicans are willing to sink in order to gain publicity for old and unsubstantiated “character” charges against Bill Clinton. I was shocked at how you played directly into the hands of the manipulative and morally bankrupt Bush campaign by printing the slanderous comments over and over again, while stressing that Bush himself was above the fray. That was clearly the intention of the press release; you treated it as a major event.

Bush refuses to even take responsibility for his own campaign, to say nothing of U.S. domestic problems. I would like to see the media hold this man responsible for the conduct of his campaign.


BOB YOUNG, Glendale
