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Compiled by Anne Michaud, Times staff writer

Agency Makes AdWeek: The timing was perfect for the year-old Lawrence & Mayo ad agency.

The Newport Beach firm sent a packet of information and advertising samples promoting itself to possible clients and others in the industry. The materials included three postcard-size ads about the elections.

The packets landed on the desk of AdWeek’s West Coast editor just as the magazine was putting together a spread on how the presidential candidates should promote themselves, according to Lynda Lawrence, creative director of Lawrence & Mayo.

The three-person agency got a call from AdWeek, which asked the agency to create ads showing how it would promote presidential candidate Bill Clinton.


The “ads,” appearing in the trade magazine’s July 13 issue, put the tiny Orange County agency in good company with such industry giants as Saatchi & Saatchi, and Foote, Cone & Belding/Chicago.

One of Lawrence & Mayo’s two suggested ads shows a newspaper clipping about taxpayers being hit with an estimated $1.2-billion bill to bail out failed Silverado Banking, Savings & Loan in Denver, where the President’s son, Neil Bush, was a director.

The copy in Lawrence & Mayo’s suggested ad for Clinton states: “When your kids steal, they get in trouble. Bill Clinton for President.”
