
Bloated Thinking

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It’s really no surprise to many educators working in the trenches on a daily basis that former California School Boards Assn. President Maureen DiMarco, now employed by the state, has “changed her spots” and embraced her boss’s budget-cutting philosophy at the expense of kids in the classroom (“Once a Friend, She Is Now Viewed as an Enemy,” Aug. 17).

Like far too many of today’s “old boy and girl” school-board types, she perpetuates the rubber-stamping of bloated, top-heavy administration rather than being the independent thinker and fiduciary that the public expects to be in a position of overseeing the operation of our struggling public schools.

And, speaking of tight money, The Times failed to mention what we’re paying Ms. DiMarco for her services as our education czar. Does $95,000 a year plus perks get your attention? What budget crisis?


KENT S. MOORE, Corona del Mar
