
STAGE BEAT : Soapbox Writing at Ebony Showcase

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Robert Chambers, of the Homeless Writers Coalition, who says in the program that he was “driven to writing by the muse of necessity,” has an ear for street talk but little knowledge of structure or shape in either of his two one-acts at Ebony Showcase Theatre.

Most of his dialogue, whether for the man or woman in “Starlight Inn,” or for the bad-husband-turned-homeless-junkie-turned-brilliant-sociopolitical-expert in “Open Air Gallery,” is soapbox writing, undramatic, and leaves the viewer very hungry for a gut-level emotional reaction to the plight of his characters.

* “Open Air Gallery” & “Starlight Inn,” Ebony Showcase Theatre, 4720 W. Washington Blvd. Thursdays-Saturdays, 8 p.m. Ends Saturday. $10; (213) 936-1107. Running time: 2 hours.
