
First Lady Barbara Bush


If nomination night in Houston did nothing more, it left no doubt that George Bush means what he says. He promised he would do anything to get reelected, even if it meant restaging Frank Capra’s 1939 masterpiece, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Casting himself as Jimmy Stewart, George, grin and all, followed Barbara and the entire Bush League in a fade out that brought tears to the eyes of 2,000 delegates. But did the Bushes accomplish anything with this theatrical extravaganza? Not likely. Barbara’s testimonial to George’s good health was a cogent reminder that Dan Quayle and Marilyn are waiting in the wings.

Nor will this outpouring of sugary sentiment make people forget the Bush gifts to the nation’s bankers to whom he turned over the savings and loan industry. Nor will it dim the memory of the thousands killed in Bush’s wars in Panama and the Gulf, as well as his apparent readiness to do it again. Try as they did to make us forget Bush’s four years, the facts simply point up the desperate need for change. His higher taxes, unresolved deficit, the millions of homeless and jobless, rampant crime, the decline of cities are but a few of the Bush realities ignored in the sideshow.


Los Angeles
