
LA HABRA : Librarian Turning Applesauce to Books

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Elke Schreiner, children’s librarian in La Habra, has a plan for getting children involved with their library.

Starting in September, children and other patrons will be able to help the public library obtain free books as they participate in a national program run by Mott’s, the apple juice and applesauce makers. Every Mott’s proof of purchase turned in to the library will be worth 25 cents toward the purchase of a new book.

Schreiner said she thinks that children will be enthusiastic participants. “Kids are basically the ones that eat all that applesauce,” she said.


Children who help out will get stickers from Schreiner. “Or just a hug,” said the librarian, who plans to allot all the donated money to buy children’s books.

Schreiner has placed a big green box on the reference desk to collect the proofs of purchase. The proofs of purchase will be collected during the library’s open hours.

La Habra and Los Alamitos-Rossmoor are the only branches of the Orange County Public Library System that will be participating in the program.
