
$1.2-Million Plan OKd for Brand Boulevard : Business: Landscaping work on auto dealership row is intended to boost business there.


The City Council gave staff the green light to begin designing a $1.2-million landscape project on South Brand Boulevard’s auto dealership row.

The funds, which the council approved Tuesday on a 3 to 0 vote, will come from Community Development Block Grants that are earmarked for beautification and blight removal. Councilman Larry Zarian abstained because he owns property in the area, and Councilman Dick Jutras was absent.

The design will be similar to the one on North Brand Boulevard. It calls for the planting of sidewalk trees and removal of existing trees that obstruct storefronts, construction of a grass-covered median 10 to 12 feet wide, and planting of Sycamore trees in the median between rectangular automobile dealership signs.


The plan grew out of a June council study session with planning consultant Marlene Roth, who represents the Glendale Motor Car Dealers Assn. After the session, the city Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department came up with four preliminary designs.

On Tuesday, the council accepted staff’s recommendation and approved the fourth design, which contained suggestions from Roth.

“The dealers appreciate the staff’s cooperative approach, rather than going ahead and doing it,” Roth said.

The business owners hope that by making the area more attractive, more people will shop there, she said.

Scott Reese, assistant director of the parks department, said that it will take about six months to complete plans and three to four months to finish the project.

Reese said officials began planning the landscape improvements in southern Glendale about five years ago, after major street improvements were completed in the area.
