
Fiscal Malaise


I am not an economist, but I have a few suggestions that may help Americans be more willing to make sacrifices for the long-term good (“Expert Panel Brews Bitter Tonic For U.S. Fiscal Malaise,” Aug. 30). First, we need to make the income tax system equitable so that the well-to-do do not pay less than their fair share because of the numerous loopholes and deductions. Second, business lunches could be eliminated at a savings of $225 million. Third, President Bush could stop the blatant misrepresentation of his residency (a hotel room in Texas?) and pay the $200,000 he has kept by circumventing the law.

The California Tax Reform Assn. has already estimated millions of dollars in savings by closing the various loopholes. Until there is fairness, there will continue to be taxpayer revolt.

