
Some Facts About Mythopoeic Society

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Regarding R. Daniel Foster’s article on the Mythopoeic Society (Times, Sept. 24), there are several false impressions I must correct.

First, Glen Goodknight founded the Mythopoeic Society in 1967, but it has been incorporated as a nonprofit organization since 1972; Goodknight still serves as one of the 11 members of the board of directors. Our membership, while primarily located within the United States, ranges from Japan and Australia to Russia and Nepal.

Second, the Tolkien Centenary Conference, the weeklong celebration in Oxford, England, was sponsored jointly by the (British) Tolkien Society and the Mythopoeic Society. The dozen conference organizers were English, with the exception of Wayne Hammond of Williamstown, Mass., and myself; Mr. Goodknight was one of approximately 400 participants from all over the globe.


I would not want the Mythopoeic Society to be perceived as trying to take any credit away from the very hard-working Tolkien Society in Britain, nor should it be misconstrued as either a private society or the domain of Mr. Goodknight.

Finally, in addition to the quarterly “Mythlore,” the Mythopoeic Society published “Mythprint,” our monthly newsletter, and “The Mythic Circle,” a fiction and poetry magazine. Mythopoeic Society discussion groups meet in locations all across the United States, not just in the San Gabriel Valley.

Anybody interested in J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, the Inklings, or myth and fantasy should write to the Mythopoeic Society at P.O. Box 6707, Altadena 91003.



Chairman, Board of Directors (“The Council of Stewards”) The Mythopoeic Society Altadena

Editor’s note: The story should have said Goodknight helped organize the centenary conference. Goodknight delivered one of the banquet addresses and wrote the article on the history of the Mythopoeic Society for the centenary book.
