
PLATFORM : No Free Rides


Education’s importance lies beyond simple campaign slogans. It is at the heart of being a student--learning, gaining skills and building a future. I support President Bush because he knows the value of education and the importance of building a future not only for oneself, but for a family.

He has sought to shift the forces of our educational system back to local control and involve parents through his school-choice initiative, allowing parents to choose the type of education for their children.

He is a President who does not believe parents should be punished for freely deciding between private or public education. But while President Bush has made a commitment to education, he also understands that there are no free rides and has strengthened the college student-loan program so that those who borrow will be held responsible for paying off the loans, thus assuring the program for future students. He also understands the desire of students to enter a job market where they have a chance to succeed and excel without having to rely on government for a job.


I’m lucky to have been a student during a President’s term that saw the Berlin Wall fall, communism die, the nuclear threat end and the prospect of Middle East peace.

Education is the key for young Americans and the future of our country. By giving our President four more years to continue his programs and vision of education, all of our hopes can be realized. We can’t continue on programs of the past that haven’t worked. We can’t allow government to solve all our problems. When Americans are left alone, without the government dictating their ideals to them, then will our potential be seen. President Bush knows this. We need him and his experience.
