
Crimes Reported to the LAPD

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The number of reported crimes by precinct from Jan. 1 through March 31.

Bold numbers = 1992*

Plain numbers = 1991

Burglary Theft from auto from auto (forced (vehicle Burglary entry) open) CENTRAL BUREAU Central 1825* 1692 3020* 3767 353* 348 Hollenbeck 1355* 1484 1154* 1119 440* 434 Newton 2406* 1947 1322* 1329 683* 624 Northeast 2131* 2700 1632* 2267 575* 637 Rampart 2844* 2428 2494* 2812 731* 697 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 1642* 1471 1353* 1396 482* 415 Southwest 2252* 1702 1799* 1634 712* 745 77th 2324* 2383 896* 987 606* 714 Southeast 1893* 1684 753* 740 571* 468 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 2512* 2084 3804* 3322 651* 672 Pacific 1930* 2279* 3327* 3386 597* 679 West L.A. 1685* 1827 2420* 2343 542* 550 Wilshire 2907* 2582 2108* 2368 638* 629 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 2270* 2149 1903* 1955 692* 542 Foothill 1908* 2172 945* 1155 471* 473 North 2160* 1919 2109* 2145 644* 553 Hollywood Van Nuys 2735* 2368 2445* 2465 642* 636 West 2975* 2744 2648* 2793 814* 737 Valley Total 39,754* 37,615 36,132* 37,983 10,844* 10,553

2Auto theft CENTRAL BUREAU Central 979* 1091 Hollenbeck 2228* 2220 Newton 2675* 2287 Northeast 3049* 3303 Rampart 3540* 4255 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 2185* 1953 Southwest 2969* 2483 77th 2681* 2285 Southeast 1743* 1377 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 3497* 3523 Pacific 3351* 3107 West L.A. 2460* 2490 Wilshire 4203* 3903 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 2842* 2409 Foothill 2242* 2261 North 3127* 3147 Hollywood Van Nuys 3839* 3678 West 2950* 2866 Valley Total 50,560* 48,638
