
Task Force on Violence Makes Proposals

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San Diego’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Violence, an amalgam of police and Border Patrol officers, social service providers and private citizens, announced its recommendations to the City Council Thursday.

Formed in December under the auspices of the San Diego Police Department, the task force submitted a report with 78 recommendations on how law enforcement, government and citizens can better address violent crime.

Changes within the Police Department suggested by the task force that do not require council approval have already been put in place, Police Chief Bob Burgreen said. Increases in community-based patrols and the formation of the department’s domestic violence unit were recommendations by the task force.


Task force member Andrea Skorepa said the recommendations affect all facets of society, including education, the legal system, employment and social service programs.

“What we have suggested is a restructuring of priorities,” said Skorepa, who is executive director of Casa Familiar, a San Ysidro youth counseling center. “It doesn’t necessarily mean spending more money, but identifying what you think is most important, and putting the money there.”

Task Force Chairman Murray L. Galinson said the group was formed under “emergency conditions” as the city’s homicide rate soared to record-setting proportions last year. Figures for aggravated assault and rape also set records in 1991.

Galinson, president of San Diego National Bank, said the task force originally set out to identify “short-term fixes,” as it prepared the 40-page report submitted to the city manager Thursday. The manager’s office will review the recommendations and prepare a plan of action for council approval. The council is scheduled to review the manager’s report Nov. 16.


Galinson said the task force plans to meet in 60 days to continue long-term planning.
