
The restored Helen Lundeberg murals in the...


The restored Helen Lundeberg murals in the former City Council chamber of Fullerton’s old city hall (now the police department) will be unveiled to the public on Sunday at 2 p.m. The building, at 237 W. Commonwealth Ave., was constructed in 1939 as a Works Progress Administration project. Over the years, the murals suffered extensive damage. Lundeberg, now 84, was a major figure in the history of Southern California art who worked for the WPA’s Federal Arts Project from 1922 to 1941. Beginning as a Realist painter steeped in Surrealism, she evolved into the spare, landscape-based abstract style for which she is known today. The five-year, $80,000 restoration was financed by a combination of city funding and public donations. The room will be used for community meetings.
