
Milan Panic’s Leadership


How long will the civilized world let this Serbian aggression continue? In spite of all that is being done, I think it is high time to explore new, different and innovative ways to resolve the conflict and punish the aggressors. Winter is coming and hundreds of thousands of Bosnians are sure to die from the cold. Obviously, the Bosnians have no place to go.

If the world were united as one against this barbarous notion of ethnic cleansing, then the United Nations and the civilized nations of the world could act in concert to put an end to the aggression and punish the aggressor in short order. Rather than bring in relief supplies into hopelessly beleaguered and sniper-infested Bosnian cities and towns, I suggest that for every Bosnian needlessly killed, a planeload of Bosnians be flown out of Bosnia and landed right into the middle of Belgrade, where they be put up as guests of the Milosevic administration (which claims to be doing everything possible to find a solution!) at considerable cost to the Serb taxpayer. Sooner or later someone will realize the cost of barbaric aggression and put an end to this genocide.

The Serbs should be made to take care of their cousins until they clean up their act, pay for the damages, rebuild the infrastructure that they destroyed, and restore normalcy in the region.


