
PLATFORM : His Ideas Are Young

<i> A lot has been said about Bill Clinton's age, but to the 18-to-24 year-old voters, is the President-elect really young? RIGO RODRIGUEZ, 22, a senior literature major at UC Irvine, comments: </i>

While 20 years may separate us, I believe I have more in common with our next President than with someone who is 68. Clinton is a product of the ‘60s and I can relate more to the issues of those days than to someone who is from a period of more than 50 years ago. The urgent need to put social issues at the front of the American agenda is something many of my fellow students believe is essential. As a student who is fearful of the shaky job market that I will face after graduating from college, I believe Bill Clinton truly understands the problems we young Americans face. A lot of questions we have are the same questions he asked when he was a student. When I hear him speak, I know he understands us. By his ability to communicate that message to young voters, his physical age is irrelevant. It’s his ideas that are fresh and young.

Bill Clinton is youthful. Like me, he listens to rock ‘n’ roll, and I’m sure if I were to meet him in a cafe, we could sit down and talk. And he would listen.
