
COLUMN RIGHT / LLEWELLYN H. ROCKWELL JR. : Life During the Age of Clinton : With no effective opposition to his agenda, we can expect everything from socialized medicine to a ban on Styrofoam.

<i> Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. is president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Ala</i>

No member of the right should get teary-eyed over George Bush’s exile, but we ought to be terrified of his replacement. There hasn’t been this much celebrating on the left since the Bolshevik Revolution, and for good reason.

Although he got only 43% of the vote, Plurality Willie faces no effective opposition. The Democratic Congress will shout Hosanna to his New Covenant, and the national media will yell Amen.

Fifty-seven percent of us may not want to join the First Church of Bill, but we can still expect to be grabbed and subjected to total immersion.


Here’s how: higher taxes on income, energy, cigarettes, liquor, wine and beer. We will also get a value-added tax, a form of national sales tax popular with European Socialists. The exemption from inheritance taxes will be lowered by two-thirds, making all but the smallest estates subject to heavy assessment. The luxury tax will be reimposed. And churches will be taxed, while gifts to them and all other charities will be taxable.

We will get increased spending on bank bailouts, the cities, AFDC, food stamps, government “jobs” and minority set-asides. The Americans with Disabilities Act will be enforced to the hilt, destroying many small businesses now on the brink of bankruptcy. Gays will be added to the anti-discrimination laws, further socializing the economy.

The Justice Department’s anti-trust division will be revivified, cracking down on successful firms that try to merge or expand their market share. The computer industry will be regulated, freezing innovation. The airline and trucking industries will be re-regulated. Unemployment benefits will be lengthened, further subsidizing non-work. The minimum wage will be indexed to inflation, permanently shutting out the poorest and most marginal workers.

We will have fully socialized medicine and therefore rationed care, except for abortions, which will be funded without limit. Price controls will be placed on prescription drugs. And we’ll have hymns to euthanasia and why terminal patients should do the government a favor and kill themselves.

A national curriculum and federalized teacher selection and student testing will abolish what little local autonomy is left. National sex and environmental “enrichment” will be imposed on the smallest school, but chastity and capitalism will not be considered enriching. Private schools will come under federal regulations, and Head Start, a failed baby-sitting service for welfare mothers, will receive a 300% increase.

Anti-human, pro-bug environmental controls will be ratcheted up every few months, and we will have federal recycling (tote those cans, flatten ‘em with a hammer, separate your papers or you’re in the slammer). We’ll also get higher automobile fuel-economy standards, more public transportation and Styrofoam will be outlawed (psst, buddy, want a cheap, strong, insulating coffee cup?).


We’ll see prohibitions on logging, federal permits for new factories and bans on production to fight nonexistent global warming and ozone depletion.

The feds will wage a war on gun ownership, and local police will join in. Hate speech and writing will be outlawed. Private clubs will no longer be private, with the feds determining their admission policies. And teen-agers will be pressured, and then drafted, into “national service.”

There will be an explosion in “children’s rights” litigation, with parental authority replaced with bureaucratic power, thanks to an ACLU-Hillary coalition. Mandatory “family leave” will harm businesses and lower the value of married women in the marketplace.

Feminists will resuscitate the equal-rights amendment (Phyllis Schlafly, call your office). Marriage, divorce, alimony and child custody laws will be federalized, and same-sex marriage laws will be mandated.

In military policy, our troops will troop off to Bosnia, Somalia and Russia--for starters. We will send truckloads of cash to Russia, Israel, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Foreign trade will be hampered, especially imports of autos and computers. Haiti will move to Florida, and Mexico and Central America to Texas and California.

Puerto Rico and New Columbia (formerly the District of Columbia) will be states 51 and 52, adding four permanent Democratic seats to the Senate. Welcome, for example, Sen. Marion Barry. Somehow, you belong in the Capitol of a Clintonized America.
