
Lesbians in Filmland


So Julia Phillips is writing about power lesbians in Hollywood (Film Clips, Nov. 22). Considering the misogyny so evident in “You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again,” she seems an unlikely candidate to study the subject. Rather like assigning Stacey Koon to cover the black community in Los Angeles.

Actually, her involvement in the subject doesn’t surprise me. I saw her in the audience at a panel discussion recently concerning the sometimes-uneasy alliance between lesbians and feminists. I thought her presence at the event odd since both panel topics require a basic minimum affection for women. In the lobby, she was overheard on the phone loudly describing the audience as “over-the-hill militants.”

Apparently, Phillips is already swinging her journalistic hatchet. As for “over-the-hill militants,” I can’t imagine anyone who better fits that description than the spike-gray-haired, crucifix-adorned harridan herself.



West Hollywood
