
Endangered Species Act

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I am sickened by the low level of human nature depicted in your Dec. 20 article. To purposely seek to eradicate an endangered species because its continued protection on private land is costly and inconvenient is selfish and ruthless beyond belief.

This behavior belies the very philosophy that puts our planet at most peril: “My desires, comfort, and convenience take priority over any other creature or form of life.” The landowner, who, at the close of your article, states that he purposely runs over the kangaroo rat because “you get to a point where it’s the animal or me” doesn’t of course literally mean it’s a matter of his own life or the rat’s. It’s his great self-preoccupation making it sound that way. Ironically, this attitude, multiplied millions of times over and involving thousands upon thousands of species could indeed affect the life of his children or great grandchildren. Diversity is key to the planet’s ability to sustain life. The window of diversity among plant and animal species is narrowing dramatically, and this can’t help but affect all life, including human.

The actions of these private landowners bring home once more the truth that we can’t legislate morality. All the laws in the world can’t prevent an individual, in the solitude of his own land, from deciding to snuff out a creature that no longer serves his purpose.


Funny how it is the failing of our conscience, the one attribute for which we feel most superior to all other life, which allows this to occur.


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