
There’s Another Side to Newport Beach, Its People


Judging from recent news accounts about my city of Newport Beach, some of our business, educational and governmental institutions appear to be slipping into a pit of oscillating dysfunction and moral decay. However, we don’t appear to be alone as I read and listen to news describing events in our county, state and nation.

What we need are proactive leaders in all quarters who will come forward and make the commitment to establish a focus toward total integrity within the organizations they serve.

I don’t want to ride in a space shuttle with a faulty “O” ring that’s been covered up; or be protected by policemen who engage in sexual harassment or worse; or go fight an enemy that’s been armed by our own government; or contribute to a school foundation when poor district financial controls allow an employee to embezzle millions over an extended period.


We all miss the mark at times. However, if we have serious intentions to hit it, we will solicit the straightforward performance feedback from others that allows us to correct our course of action.

Could it be that we can get to where we’re truly prosperous and free? I believe we can--if individuals, families, governmental organizations, police departments and schools elect to value and promote high character, competence and commitment; if people elect to work together in a team effort to establish functioning codes of ethics, and if people elect to openly participate in a multidirectional, performance accountability process that helps everyone stay on course.


Newport Beach
