
10 Prisoners Hurt During Violence at Jail in Castaic


A fight broke out between black and Latino inmates at the Los Angeles County Jail in Castaic on Monday afternoon, but the disturbance was quickly quelled by sheriff’s deputies.

About 10 inmates at the Peter Pitchess Honor Rancho were treated for minor injuries, including puncture wounds and cuts, Deputy Patrick Hauser said. No deputies were injured.

Hauser said the disturbance began about 4:30 p.m. in one of the dormitories when two inmates, one black and the other Latino, started fighting over an unidentified piece of property.


About 30 of the dormitory’s 130 inmates joined in the fight, which was subdued about 10 minutes later when deputies fired two “sting ball” grenades into the building. Deputies later found five makeshift knives and several broken broom handles, which had apparently been used in the fight.

The injured inmates were treated at the jail’s medical facility, Hauser said.

All those involved in the violence have been assigned to new housing locations, he said.
