
Grant Awarded for Counselor Training


The Ventura-based Faria Family Foundation has awarded a $2,000 grant to Cal Lutheran University to conduct workshops for 60 Ventura County school counselors.

The workshops will help counselors work with students in kindergarten through high school who are at risk of failing academically or dropping out. The counselors will be trained in leading group sessions for students that address problems affecting school performance.

“Locally, there is a heavy demand on school counselors,” said Gail Uellendahl, a workshop leader for the project and a faculty member at Cal Lutheran’s School of Education. “The average student-counselor ratio in Ventura Unified School District is 445 to one, and in Oxnard 550 to one. The counselors simply cannot intervene on an individual level, and group counseling becomes the method of choice and necessity.”


The Faria Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed by the family that originally ranched in the Faria Beach area northwest of Ventura.
