
Educating Parents on Raising Young

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Regarding “New Term for Old Boy-Girl Ritual: Sexual Harassment” (Jan. 25), which states, “Critics of the law complain that it is unfair because it does not require districts to educate students about sexual harassment, but allows expulsion for it anyway.”

If our society wants to get back to “the way it was before,” we have to do what President Clinton says--do some sacrificing and take a little responsibility for our actions and omissions.

I may not agree with most of what he stands for, but he has a good point. If our families did half of what they’re supposed to do, a good majority of the schools’ problems would cease to exist.


After teaching four years in Santa Ana, I have realized that most people--white, brown or any color of the rainbow--are out for money and will not sacrifice a fraction of their time to show love, respect or responsibility to their children.

No one forces us to have children. Maybe there should be a class offered at the local junior colleges that shows some the basic requirements to bring up a child in this ever-changing world.


Santa Ana
