
Los Angeles City Elections

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Must we vote for what we are?

Does Los Angeles have to elect a mayor by race, religion or ethnic background? Does everyone have to get in line by district and color? Do blacks have to vote for Nate Holden or Stan Sanders? Do Jews vote for Richard Katz or Joel Wachs? Latinos split the vote on Julian Nava or Linda Griego? Lucky Michael Woo has all the Asians to himself. The same goes for Nick Patsaouras with the Greeks, and Richard Riordan has all the Irish Catholics.

Of course this leaves many an Italian, German, Dutch, Armenian or Filipino without anyone to vote for. Can we get more candidates or will some of us have to compromise and vote for an American without a hyphen, without regard for sex, color or national origin? Do we have to make each district a racial voting bloc? Do we have to vote for what we are? The media like to break us down into categories. It makes for big news. As for me, I’m an English, Irish, German, Danish, Italian WASP and I only have one vote.


