
Promiscuity and Kochel


Before we cast another stone at Harvey Kochel, why don’t we look around ourselves and try to see if we can get to the root cause of the promiscuousness that pervades our society today and that allowed Kochel to perpetrate a sexual fraud on an unwitting young person.

Make no mistake about it, I believe that Harvey was 110% wrong in his actions. But let’s look around the town and the world that I, you, Kochel and all of us share. If you have a TV--I personally choose not to--turn on MTV. Look at the suggestive dress codes, subliminal suggestions and messages of consumerism that are perpetrated on the music videos and commercials--an overall message that offers a no-hope approach toward the future.

Enter Harvey Kochel and his student. He led her to believe that it was OK. She may have readily believed it could be OK for her because it was on TV, so it must be true. He was just working the system.


The more we as a permissive society allow Hollywood, Wall Street, ad marketers and the like to expose the blatant disregard for human emotions, family values and a true sense of self to our populace, the more Kochels we breed. Let us not forget that, along with the Kochels, we are probably producing the female counterpart, that being the folly of all this foolishness. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by those who will claim that to oppose this would be an infringement of your First Amendment right to free speech.


