
MOVIES - March 9, 1993

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

Basinger’s Testimony: Kim Basinger testified Monday that she never approved the “Boxing Helena” script and was uncomfortable with the film’s nudity. Taking the stand for the first time in a $6-million breach-of-contract lawsuit, the actress demonstrated an almost complete ignorance of the negotiations between her agents and the producers of the movie, but specifically remembered that in meetings with director Jennifer Lynch, she had said she was worried that the film might use “graphic,” not “artistic,” sex scenes. The actress said Monday that Lynch lied when she testified earlier in the trial that concerns about the sex scenes had been resolved. Basinger also said that her own assistant, Barbara Dreyfuss, lied when she said in a deposition that Basinger had authorized the use of her name in promoting the film.
